Month: July 2013

How is a Wood Burning Fireplace Different from a Wood Burning Stove?

On a cold night, sitting by a fireside is considered to be the most wholesome pleasures ever discovered by many. A fire burning safely within the confinement of wood fireplace or a wood stove offers a feeling of comfort. From the beauty of the flames to its warmth, we admire everything about it. Though a lot has been said about the sound and the smell of a wood burning fireplace, the magnificence of a wood fireplace continued to allure many for centuries. Therefore, the manufacturers have come up with the brilliant concept of wood burning stoves while retaining and improvising ... Read more

Gas Stoves – A Blend of Comfort and Competence

Gas stoves Fireplaces have always been the center of attraction for homeowners who used it for centuries for staying warm, relaxing and cooking their meals. With the passage of time, fireplaces have become more of a home décor item than a necessity, but the allure of fireplaces has not diminished a bit. The changes in the design and technology of fireplaces have introduced an innovative range of wood burning stoves and gas stoves. Most of the homeowners today are opting for gas stoves given the ease of maintenance, heat outputs and the freedom from sound or smell that a traditional ... Read more