Reasons to Buy A Wood Burning Stove

Here at Leeds Stove Centre we obviously have many customers who come to us with many different reasons why they have opted to buy a wood burning stove. We thought it would be fun to share these reasons with you so that you can consider whether the wood burning stove is the right choice for you.


Family memories

This is by the far the biggest reason that people buy our wood burning stoves. Surprising, isn’t it? Most people would think it was related to money. You know, the fact that it’s a more efficient way to burn fuel, but that just isn’t the case.

People look to the wood burning stove as it’s one of those things that makes a house a home. Everybody loves to have a roaring fire in their living room to keep out the cold in the bones. Snuggling on the sofa with loved ones, a cup of tea and a packet of biscuits is really something that we all love about ‘home’. The wood burning stove makes this possible.

Primitive fires

Here in the office, we often wonder what it is that connects man to that primitive feeling of wanting to light a fire. Is it really in our DNA to want to lie out and bathe in the heat of the fire? Of course, they look great and if you sit at a bit of a distance, then you can look for your own pictures in the fire. Not only that, if you’ve got a dog, they are going to love you even more!

It all sounds great!

Of course it does, but it’s not something that is perfect. You see, although the benefits of the fire are really quite something, you’ll still need to maintain it by emptying out the ashes, getting your chimney swept and ensuring that you’ve got enough fuel to feed it. By and large all our customers feel that this is not a big overhead for the enjoyment that they get from having a fire of this type. I’m not writing this to put you off, but it’s fair that you know all the facts when making up your mind whether this is for you. Many people enjoy the ritual of bringing in the wood and stacking it up ready for use.

Some clients need to have their chimney lined in preparation for their stove. No, this isn’t a two-penny job but it is something that will keep your home safe and your chimney in good condition. You may also need to install an area where you can keep your wood ready for use.

So these are the inconveniences, but they will not even feature in your thoughts the first time you light up. You can gather around as a family and enjoy the fire in your own living room. Imagine, you’ll be all together on the sofa enjoying the warmth during winter evenings. What great memories to build for the children.

We hope that sharing this with you has given you some idea of why people love these heating appliances.

Take a look around our site to find the wood burning stoves that you like and let us know if you there is anything that you take a fancy to.