Stove Installation Service

Leeds Stove Centre are pleased to announce that we are now beginning to install stoves even if you bought your stove from elsewhere. We  offer a professional installation service and only use HETAS and Gas Safe Qualified technicians.  Leeds Stove Centre can install all types of stoves, whether they are wood burning stoves, multi fuel stoves or gas stoves, it’s not a problem!

We are happy to offer our installation service within the highlighted areas on the map shown below. This includes Leeds,York, Sheffield, Stockport, Hull and Liverpool.

There are numerous steps to take when having your stove installed, depending on the types of stove you have installed some of the steps would be unnecessary. Unlike other stove installation companies, Leeds Stove Centre will more than happily install flue systems, stove surrounds and also new chimneys, in addition we can also carry out flue lining if necessary.

Flue Lining

A flue lining process is designed to help fix leaking older chimneys. During the process, a stainless steel liner is fed through the whole length of the chimney. Once this is installed it will help protect your chimney against smoke and tar which can be released from a stove during its burning process. When houses were built in the early 90’s, it was found that the majority of chimneys were built unsafe and unsuitable for use, therefore a flue liner is necessary. You can find further information about flue lining here.

New Chimneys and Flue Systems

Many years ago, stoves or fires were used to no just heat a home, but also to cook and wash with, therfore in the past it was important for homes to have a large chimney built. Due to central heating and bathrooms, many new homes are now built without chimneys. However this is not a problem as part of our stove installation service we are able to install flue systems and install new chimneys. Read more about flue systems.

Stove Surrounds

Many other stove installation teams are unable to install a stunning stove surround for you. Luckily, Leeds Stove Centre are highly experienced and can professionally install  beautiful surrounds for your stove to really give it that finishing touch. It is important when you purchase the tiles for your stoves hearths that you choose purpose built hearth tiles so that they can withstand the heat. You can find our more information about stove surrounds here.

If you would like any further information about our stove installation service, please do not hesitate to contact us.