Month: April 2014

Fireplace Installation in Leeds and Bradford

The cold season in Leeds and Bradford can definitely brought inconvenience in the life of many people.  Winter may bring happiness for many people who love snow but it may also cause the occurrence of some problems such as extreme cold and problems caused by snow.  Winter and snow trigger many people to feel not so comfortable life because of extreme cold. Extreme cold may cause some problems in the life of many people. Installing fireplace can relatively be the best way that many people living in Leeds and Bradford can do to combat the inconvenience brought by cold season. ... Read more

Using Thermal Storage Systems In a Wood Burning or Multi-Fuel Stove

With the cost of monthly fuel bills, many people have opted to switch to using either a stove, one that burns wood or multi-fuel in a bid to keep their utility bills down. This is where thermal storage units come into their own. They can capture the heat and retain it so that it can be accessed later on for either heating radiators or for hot water making. What is thermal storage? The main reason to use thermal storage units is because you can access heat later on. It makes it far more efficient to burn any fuel as you ... Read more

Stove Renovations in Leeds

Your kitchen would definitely look incomplete without stoves. Stove is an important tool and machine on your house. It enables you to cook and do lots of things using the heat from the stove. In the long period use of your stove probably you might experience some minor malfunctions in the performance of your stove. It is very important that you immediately call for assistance and renovation whenever you experienced malfunctions in your stove so that the occurrences of some risks would be prohibited. Fire and gas leakages will be prohibited if you immediately call for stove renovations. The Leeds ... Read more

When we cooked on open fires.

When I was a young boy my grandparents lived in a remote cottage in Wales. It was a wonderful cottage with a huge garden where they grew all their own fruit and vegetables. They even kept chickens and a pig. The main room was the parlour, and it contained a huge fire range with a massive chimney from which hung chains on which they would suspend a big black kettle over the ever burning open fire. The fire also heated an oven to one side and a boiler to the other. All their cooking was done on the range over ... Read more

How to Get Your Stove Alight and Going – Fast

You’re cold. Very cold. You cannot wait to get that stove roaring and sending out heat. Here are our tips on how to get your stove into action and delivering warmth as quickly as possible: Preparing Initially, your stove will need to have a clear run for air to circulate around it. Sweep out any ash that has been left inside the stove and open up those air vents. Old newspaper is perfect for starting fires. Ball up some sheets and place them into the centre of your firebox. Add Kindling Small bits of wood and twigs will work. Otherwise ... Read more

What to Consider When You Buy A New Stove

The wood burning stove has come very popular of late. This is down to the environmental advantages as much as the style and efficient heating method that they offer. Any owner of a stove will find that they soon pay for themselves in savings. However, if you’re considering buying a new stove, you may want to take these facts into consideration: The Stove’s Purpose How much of your home do you need the stove to heat? You may just need one room to be heated, which can be done very well by a stove. It can either operate as the ... Read more

Wood Burning Stoves: Is Cast Iron or Steel Best?

One of our clients who was recently making a purchase of a wood burning stove, asked whether they should opt for a cast iron or a steel fire. In actual fact, we have a slight preference for steel stoves. You may already be aware that cast iron can actually hold heat better than steel. It’s for this reason that most people do look to cast iron as being the way to go. However, let’s dig a little deeper into the topic to be able to really understand it and make a call on whether this is the best course of ... Read more

What You Need to Know Before You Buy a Wood Burning Stove

Multi-fuel and wood burning stoves are rising in popularity. More people are looking for a way to save on fuel bills whilst being more environmentally friendly. In addition, many stoves are so well designed that they bring an aesthetic centrepiece to the room that is at the core of many happy family memories and good times with friends. However, choosing the right appliance for your home and needs is essential in order to truly benefit the most from it. Looking beyond the beauty of some of today’s models, here is what you need to consider when you’re looking for your ... Read more

Selecting the best wood for your wood burning stove.

When it comes to choosing the best wood for your wood burning stove, not all woods are the same. Here we will look at the different kinds of wood that you can use and we will offer some advice making the best choices. Moisture content Moisture content is very important. ‘Green’ logs with a high moisture content will be difficult to light and they will produce much less heat as much of the heat that they generate when they burn will be taken up by evaporating the water that they contain when then goes up the chimney as steam. They ... Read more