Category: Advice on Operation

How to Ensure the Efficiency of Your Wood Stove

How to Ensure the Efficiency of Your Wood Stove The efficiency of a wood burning stove is something that varies from stove to stove, but if you want to get the best from yours, then read on. Efficiency is how much heat you receive in your home compared to how much heat is generated. For example, you can expect to gain around 10% of the heat that an open fireplace produces. A lot of the heat will generally go up the chimney or even be absorbed by the bricks in the surround. Efficiency of between 30% and 50% can be ... Read more

Things to Avoid Burning in a Wood Burning Stove

Wood burning stoves are a fantastic, stylish and economical way to heat a room in your home. They also allow you to burn wood from a wide range of different sources, making it very easy to find cheap fuel and keep energy costs down. However, not every kind of wood is suitable for use in a stove. In order to keep your stove healthy and get the best performance from it, you should avoid using the wrong type of fuel. Treated Wood Wood that has been weatherproofed, protected against pests, or otherwise treated should not be burned in your wood ... Read more

Using Thermal Storage Systems In a Wood Burning or Multi-Fuel Stove

With the cost of monthly fuel bills, many people have opted to switch to using either a stove, one that burns wood or multi-fuel in a bid to keep their utility bills down. This is where thermal storage units come into their own. They can capture the heat and retain it so that it can be accessed later on for either heating radiators or for hot water making. What is thermal storage? The main reason to use thermal storage units is because you can access heat later on. It makes it far more efficient to burn any fuel as you ... Read more

Stove Renovations in Leeds

Your kitchen would definitely look incomplete without stoves. Stove is an important tool and machine on your house. It enables you to cook and do lots of things using the heat from the stove. In the long period use of your stove probably you might experience some minor malfunctions in the performance of your stove. It is very important that you immediately call for assistance and renovation whenever you experienced malfunctions in your stove so that the occurrences of some risks would be prohibited. Fire and gas leakages will be prohibited if you immediately call for stove renovations. The Leeds ... Read more

When we cooked on open fires.

When I was a young boy my grandparents lived in a remote cottage in Wales. It was a wonderful cottage with a huge garden where they grew all their own fruit and vegetables. They even kept chickens and a pig. The main room was the parlour, and it contained a huge fire range with a massive chimney from which hung chains on which they would suspend a big black kettle over the ever burning open fire. The fire also heated an oven to one side and a boiler to the other. All their cooking was done on the range over ... Read more

How to Get Your Stove Alight and Going – Fast

You’re cold. Very cold. You cannot wait to get that stove roaring and sending out heat. Here are our tips on how to get your stove into action and delivering warmth as quickly as possible: Preparing Initially, your stove will need to have a clear run for air to circulate around it. Sweep out any ash that has been left inside the stove and open up those air vents. Old newspaper is perfect for starting fires. Ball up some sheets and place them into the centre of your firebox. Add Kindling Small bits of wood and twigs will work. Otherwise ... Read more

Wood Burning Stoves: Is Cast Iron or Steel Best?

One of our clients who was recently making a purchase of a wood burning stove, asked whether they should opt for a cast iron or a steel fire. In actual fact, we have a slight preference for steel stoves. You may already be aware that cast iron can actually hold heat better than steel. It’s for this reason that most people do look to cast iron as being the way to go. However, let’s dig a little deeper into the topic to be able to really understand it and make a call on whether this is the best course of ... Read more

How to Look After Your Stove

Some people say that a wood burning stove can be compared to a pet dog. Before you get one, you need to know that it will need the correct treatment, including feeding and attention just like a dog does. Let’s explore what that attention and feeding of a stove entails: It’s critical that you get your chimney swept regularly. This means at least once per year. Without doing so, your chimney or flue system is likely to get a build-up of tar and soot. This could prevent your stove from being able to burn well and it could even cause ... Read more

Why Use a Chimney Liner?

If you’ve heard the term chimney liner, but you’re not sure what it is or why you might need it, read on. We are going to discover what a chimney liner is and whether you need to use one. What is a chimney liner? Whatever heating appliance you have installed in your home, if it burns fuel it will need to vent the fumes outside of your house.  A chimney liner enables this to happen whilst protecting the inside of your chimney from any combustion products. Do I need a chimney liner? If your chimney is constructed of masonry, it’s ... Read more