3 Ways Your Wood Stove Will Save You Money & The Environment

If you’re on our blog site, you are either investigating the possibility of buying a wood stove, or you have already got one installed and want to get the maximum return from your investment. Whichever the case is, we’ve got some great ideas on how you can stretch your budget further whilst you help the environment.

Before we get started, there’s something that you need to know. The biggest cause of inefficiency in the burning of wood is that of incomplete consumption. Decreased heat output, extra smoke and extra expense can come from wood not burning properly. However, if you can find a way to get more burning efficiency from your wood, then you can cut down on both pollution and waste.

Here are 3 approaches that will allow you to get more out of your wood stove.

Only burn dried or seasoned wood

Although this is a fairly well known concept, it’s still something that goes on. Green wood can consist of up to 50% of water. This means that your fire will burn slowly as it will have a lot of moisture to burn through, you’ll get less radiant heat.

Wood that is fully dried and seasoned will in contrast burn very well. It will be hot and deliver the best heat output, cost effectiveness and less pollution. Our advice is to buy the wood from last season next time you purchase fuel to burn. Otherwise buy it up to a year or more in advance and allow it to air dry.

Watch more western movies

Ha, you must think we’re joking by giving you this advice. But we’re not really. We are telling you that you need to emulate those ‘Indian fires’ that you see in those movies. They are actually very effective at delivering better air quality whilst lower the safety risks. You’ll also enjoy better fuel economy. Of course, you will have to tend to your stove more, but with such great advantages, we don’t think you’ll mind too much.

Give it the right fuel

Don’t go throwing your old junk mail, plastic or any other rubbish into your wood stove. Although it’s fun and it seems to make sense, it can actually damage the inner lining of your fuel stove and it could be something that you’ll regret. This behaviour can also lower your heat efficiency and send out dangerous chemicals.

Follow our guidelines and you’ll discover how you will enjoy your wood stove mor