Category: Stoves

Wood Burning Stoves: Is Cast Iron or Steel Best?

One of our clients who was recently making a purchase of a wood burning stove, asked whether they should opt for a cast iron or a steel fire. In actual fact, we have a slight preference for steel stoves. You may already be aware that cast iron can actually hold heat better than steel. It’s for this reason that most people do look to cast iron as being the way to go. However, let’s dig a little deeper into the topic to be able to really understand it and make a call on whether this is the best course of ... Read more

What Exactly Are DEFRA Approved Stoves?

DEFRA is an acronym for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. It is a department of the government of the UK. You can find out more information about them by visiting DEFRA are responsible for the development and implementation of a number of regulations and guidelines that are related to the topic of air quality control. Smoke Control Areas In the 1950s and 1960s the UK suffered from terrible air quality. Winter time would bring about what was known as ‘pea-soupers’ when the air was so thick with smog and fog that it was impossible to see ... Read more

3 Ways Your Wood Stove Will Save You Money & The Environment

If you’re on our blog site, you are either investigating the possibility of buying a wood stove, or you have already got one installed and want to get the maximum return from your investment. Whichever the case is, we’ve got some great ideas on how you can stretch your budget further whilst you help the environment. Before we get started, there’s something that you need to know. The biggest cause of inefficiency in the burning of wood is that of incomplete consumption. Decreased heat output, extra smoke and extra expense can come from wood not burning properly. However, if you ... Read more

Why is Black So Hot When Almond is Cool?

A modern fire shouldn’t produce so much smoke or smears that you notice significant smudges on your heating appliance. So why are most wood burning stoves and even smokeless imitation gas and electric appliances coloured Black? Is there a brighter alternative? A reason to keep it Black may be that a neutral colour matches any colour in your décor. Black also shows off the flames well. However, for some interior designs, Black may be little too dark for your comfort. So if, like me, you wish to lighten up your home, then you’ll be pleased to see the Almond range ... Read more

10 Things To Know About Multi Fuel Stoves

Just as the name says, it’s possible to burn a number of different fuels in a multi fuel stove. These popular heating choices make it easier to be an environmentally friendly household and to avoid the use of financially and environmentally expensive fossil fuels. These reasons are what makes the multi fuel stove so popular. However, if you’re still pondering whether a multi fuel stove is for you, then look at these facts to help you make your mind up.   This type of fuel stove is very versatile. Whether you want one in your bedroom, living room or dining ... Read more

Reasons to Buy A Wood Burning Stove

Here at Leeds Stove Centre we obviously have many customers who come to us with many different reasons why they have opted to buy a wood burning stove. We thought it would be fun to share these reasons with you so that you can consider whether the wood burning stove is the right choice for you.   Family memories This is by the far the biggest reason that people buy our wood burning stoves. Surprising, isn’t it? Most people would think it was related to money. You know, the fact that it’s a more efficient way to burn fuel, but ... Read more

A Beginners Guide to Using Your Wood-Burning Stove

Congratulations! You’re the owner of a new wood burning stove.  Of course, you cannot wait to get it lit so that you can sit back and enjoy the warmth from a roaring fire, but before you get going, read on to discover some of the basic facts that every wood burning stove owner should know. Have you got the right stove? Yes, maybe a funny question to ask if you’ve already made your purchase, but if you haven’t then you should make sure that you do your homework. Speak with the sales person to find out whether the stove that ... Read more

Cleaning Your Wood Burning Stove – Cleaning the Glass

If you’re getting a bit fed up with soot build up on the inside of your wood burning stove glass then here’s what we advise to do to clean the glass. Why Does Soot Build Up On The Wood Burning Stove Glass? In our experience, this soot situation occurs due to the wood stove burning conditions being slightly off kilter. It’s usually because there is not enough air reaching the fire and it’s not getting hot enough. There are several reasons why the wood stove is running at a lower temperature than it could and should be. The most likely ... Read more